Saturday, October 29, 2011

How to Enable or Disable Hibernate in Windows 7


To Enable and Turn On Hibernate

NOTE: This option will restore the hiberfil.sys file, and the Allow hybrid sleep and Hibernate after Power Options under Sleep.
1. To Enable Hibernate
A) Open a Elevated Command Prompt.

B) In the elevated command prompt, type powercfg -h on and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
Hibernate - Enable or Disable-enable.jpg
C) Close the elevated command prompt.
2. To have the Computer Automatically Hibernate after Specified Minutes
NOTE: You can also use a hibernate shortcut to manually put the computer into hibernation instead or in addition to this option.
A) Open your Power Plan Options (click on link) to change the advanced power settings, then expand Sleep and Hibernate after. (see screenshot below)
Hibernate - Enable or Disable-power_options.jpg
B) Now set your Power Plan settings (click on link) to the recommended settings for Hibernate to set the Setting (Minutes) to how many minutes you want your computer to be inactive before hibernating, then click on OK. (see screenshot above)


To Disable Hibernate

NOTE: This option will disable hibernation, delete the hiberfil.sys file, and remove the Allow hybrid sleep and Hibernate after Power Options under Sleep.
1. Open a Elevated Command Prompt.

2. In the elevated command prompt, type powercfg -h off and press Enter. (see screenshot below)
Hibernate - Enable or Disable-disable.jpg
3. Close the elevated command prompt.


To Only Turn Off Hibernate

NOTE: This is if you still have hibernate enabled, but only wanted to turn it off.
1. Open Power Options to change the advanced power settings, and expand Sleep and Hibernate after. (see screenshot below)
Click image for larger version

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2. Under Hibernate after, set the Setting (Minutes) to Never. (see screenshot above)

3. Under Allow hybrid sleep, set Setting to Off. (see screenshot below step 4)

4. Click on OK. (see screenshot below step 4)


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